The first step. The first inch off the ground. The first word of the email. Motivation can be hard to muster on command, and so often we wait until we have it in sufficient supply before we act. It’s backwards thinking like that that will keep you stuck, spinning your wheels, and often leads to…
Author: Heather McDonald
Mindset 101
What does “mindset” mean, anyway? Mindset is one of those words that is used so often we all kind of think we know what we all mean, but can’t be sure. For coaching purposes, mindset is your habits of thinking, your way of viewing the world and your place in it, and the most common…
Introducing the M6 Coaching Program
Welcome! I am so excited to introduce to the world this program that has already had some amazing business owners tackle the problems they have…and more importantly the problems they didn’t know they had. It’s great to be jumping back into the worlds of therapy and teaching after so many successful years in marketing…
How to Do Social Media (when you really hate social media)
I really hate wasting time, and I am a sucker for comparing myself to others. Put those together and you have a person who dislikes most social media and who should not be engaging in it regularly. The parts I like, I love. Being able to keep in the loop with a larger group of…
How Niche Is Too Niche?
When it comes to selling your product on the market, there is value in having a niche: that little slice of the market that hits the centre of your “They Want What I Do” / “I Love Working With Them” Venn diagram. We love the idea of determining who you sell to the most, the…
Stop Selling on Price in 3 Easy Steps
Selling on price is a race to the bottom – and your company, your product deserves so much more. When you rely on having the lowest price in order to make a sale, you’re really saying that the value of the product is lower than your competitors, that you don’t really believe in it.…
Setting Goals that Matter
Why do we do the things we do? I’m not talking about Simon-Sinek-Start-With-Why, I’m talking about why we choose the goals we choose, why we fail to achieve so many of them, and what we think will happen if those goals are accomplished. Most goals are set in the month of January and…
Goal Setting During Covid
‘Tis that time again, and this year’s planning probably looks a bit different than any other year. Setting goals for Q1 2021 is more important than it’s ever been, so here are a few tips to make your planning effective no matter what the New Year brings. Follow your strategic plan to determine goals. Your…
How to Plan a Year of Great Content on a Small Budget
This year of crazy has seen a huge growth of WFH entrepreneurs jumping in and getting started…but due to changes in workforce, employment, and the complex economy, they’re doing so without the usual luxury of time or money behind them. Starting a business with very little (or no) budget isn’t easy, but the marketing side…
One user, multiple screens: How mobile design is changing
It used to be enough to be “mobile friendly.” You’d create a desktop site (maybe even with goals and purpose in mind!) and then throw in a few media queries and call it a day. Users would see the same site whether they were looking at desktop, tablet, smart TV, or phone…but at least the…