Introducing the M6 Coaching Program


Welcome! I am so excited to introduce to the world this program that has already had some amazing business owners tackle the problems they have…and more importantly the problems they didn’t know they had. It’s great to be jumping back into the worlds of therapy and teaching after so many successful years in marketing and consulting.

This coaching program has been designed after many, MANY years of study, of receiving coaching, and hundreds of hours of problem solving with my clients. So often, the problem we think we have is just the starting point. Coaching helps you get beyond the surface to solve the deep, real, invisible problem that has been holding you back.

If you are ready to step into the next (best) chapter of your life, it’s time to book your discovery call.

And if you’ve been looking for a sign…this is it.

Step 1:

It all starts with a free discovery call:

Step 2:

Complete the M6 Prioritization Questionnaire  & Intake Form

Step 3:

Choose your level of support:

Do you need a month of support to get your feet under you?

Do you need 3 months of support to gain momentum?

Do you look at your life and get overwhelmed….?

I’ve got you. We’ll spend 20 weeks together, getting you (and keeping you) on track.

Step 4:


What makes this program different? It’s a blend of intuitive coaching and framework coaching. Together, we prioritize the modules and choose the one (or ones) that will move you forward the fastest, and we work through them while exploring how each module builds on the next.

If you’re ready to release the breaks and build some momentum and ease in your life, the Ms are the secret: 

Mindset – Everything starts with mindset. Your mindset is the single best indicator of your success or failure. Get out of your own way and see how fast your dreams come true. 


Marketing – Go beyond the tips and tricks and finally get your marketing and messaging out to the masses to propel your success! 


Motivation – Getting started is the hardest part – and keeping momentum – and consistency?! Take a breath, I can help you get on the path of least resistance, and help you stay there. 


Money – Struggling to make the amount of money you want or hit a ceiling on how much you are making?  It’s time to go deep. We break down the basics of money mindset, attitude, & attraction.  


Mastery – Put impostor syndrome to bed for once. Really. It is possible. 


Mental Wellness – Wellness coaching is not therapy, it’s about refining and changing your habits, your thoughts, your beliefs, and finding your joy again! 


Stop spinning your wheels and start moving forward. It all starts with one Zoom call.